Why Escape the Matrix When
You Can Create Your Own?

A journey through time series analysis, from oceanography to quant trading.

Quantitative Trading
Machine Learning
Software Development
Ocean and Atmospheric Science
Time Series Analysis
Wireless Communications
Data Engineering
Mental Arithmetic

Hello! I'm Anuj Jain, starting at UC Berkeley as Master of Financial Engineering student.
I recently graduated from UC San Diego majoring in
Computer Science and Ocean-Atmospheric Sciences with a Math minor.

Quantitative Trading

Derivatives Trading Probability Time-Series Modeling Market Making Cryptocurrency Statistical Arbitrage

• Founded Triton Quantitative Trading club at UC San Diego with 250+ members

• US national top 8 finalist in WorldQuant Championship

• 2nd Place in Algorithmic Trading Competition by NU Fintech Club at Chicago

• Designed and Instructed 1st student-run course on Quantitative Finance at UCSD including topics of options, market making, alpha creation, black scholes model

• IMC Trading Prosperity Challenge Top 7% and Akuna Virtual Trading Competition

• Trained in implementing straddle, iron condor and box spread strategies in real time and optimizing risk-reward profiles at C.R Kothari and Sons Broking

• Investigating alternative cryptocurrency on-chain and indicators data from glassnode and Cryptoquant to create alphas

Quantitative Trading Quantitative Trading
Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Regression Classification Clustering Long-Short Term Memory NLP Deep Learning Computer Vision Recommender Systems

• Interned at Qualcomm Technologies as AI Intern on IoT Cloud team

• Integrated a 95% accurate density based spatiotemporal ML clustering algorithm into the Cloud server

• Created a data pipeline to deploy algorithm to the kubernetes using gRPC and REST API calls

Software Development

Python TypeScript Java SQL C++ React Full-Stack Development

• Interned at Art of Problem Solving Inc. as Software Eng. Intern on Platform team

•Created a centralized identity-based access control system for all 1000 AoPS graders and instructors

• Deployed tool into production which reduced need of 4 overhead portals and 50% SQL queries to database

• Hackathon at Stanford, Princeton, UCLA, Qualcomm

Ocean and Atmospheric Science

Ocean and Atmospheric Science

Fluid Dynamics Physical Oceanography Data Analysis Numerical Methods Weather Charts Ocean Acoustics

• Won Gold Medal in International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO), 2019 held at South Korea

Spotlighted by Scripps Institution of Oceanography as top performing undergrad

• Selected for Univeristy of Washington's Summer Research Program

• Built 3D CNN and LSTM models to predict El-Niño, an unusual warming of the Pacific Ocean that impacts global rainfall patterns.

• Achieved within 1 std. dev of Oceanic Niño Index predictability

Wireless Communications Sensing and Networking Group

Data Analysis Signal Processing MATLAB Remote Sensing IoT

• Assisted in testing novel spoofing mechanism called mmSpoof that does not require synchronization and is resilient to various security features and countermeasures of the victim FMCW radar.

•Contributing in evaluating LoRa IoT Testbed for FSMA algorithm which addresses issue of packet collisions and loss in ALOHA.

• Analyzed testing data to propose improvements.


Data Engineering

SQL Data Pipeline Visualization Database Management Docker

• Created webapp which can analyze user's stocks data and generate technical signals

• Contributed to features engineering for Tesla stock and prediction using ML models

• Wrote SQL queries during internship at AoPS to reduce 50% queries to database and need of 4 overhead portals


Probability and Statistics Vector Calculus Complex Analysis Partial Differential Equations Graph Theory Numerical Analysis

• 99.77 Percentile in Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), India

• Took several IIT Madras Data Science Online Courses in Probability and Statistics

• Organized Integration and Probability Competitions at Society of Mathematics Students(SUMS), UCSD

• AMC 12A and RMO Qualifier

• Silver Medalist at International Young Mathematics Contest(IYMC) 2017, Lucknow


Mental Arithmetic

• Youngest UCMAS(Mental Arithmetic) qualify for 17th International UCMAS Competition, Malaysia

• Nicknamed "Calculator"

I was awarded the highest civilian award for an Indian citizen under 18yrs for all above academic achievements - India's Prime Minister Balshakti Award in Scholastic Category in 2021.

I'm thankful to my Guru, mother, family and friends for supporting me in above journey.